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Thank you for your interest and efforts to support us financially. At Team Africa Mission International, we value our donors and respond in ways that demonstrate high level of integrity and transparency.

Team Africa Mission International is a non-profit 501 c 3 registered in USA as a charitable organization dedicated to improving lives through promotion of health and education in underserved and impoverished communities of Africa.  Donations to Team Africa Mission International are tax deductable.

Here are ways you can donate.

Make a one time online payment through our secure web payment processor. 

Check payable to Team Africa can be mailed to our address:
14944 SE 119th  Ave
Clackamas, Oregon 97015

If you would like to make donations of medications and supplies, including school supplies, contact us first so that we can make the appropriate arrangement. 

If you  would like give on a monthly basis, we can arrange automatic contribution with you. Call us for more information.

Online Donation

Cash Donation By Mail

Donation Of Supplies

​Schedule Automatic Contribution


Our dedicated volunteers have been a great source of help to many forgotten lives in Africa. If you are a believer that together we can make a huge difference, we invite you to join forces with Team Africa Mission International today. 

Whether you are an individual or a company, a student or a medical professional, a foundation or religious organization, you can play a role. Consider ways of you can be involved:

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