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It happens every two years, and takes one year to plan. The participants are not hand-picked from the greatest universities and healthcare centers in the world, but are self-selected from the nation. It is not a vacation.What are requirements to join this elite group? Have a skill set in healthcare and be selfless. 

The bonding begins with “May I come?” Then the first meeting; face to face, eye contact with those who will share the work, the fear, the joy, the victories. Those who have the same desire to help others. The bonding continues through the Visas, shots and pills, travel plans, studying, geography lessons. The year flies by, and it is time to pick up the “luggage”, meet at the airport, and begin traversing the world together for 30+ hours. The team’s final destination: Nigeria. It is a Saturday. Work will commence in the morning, repeat x 7. 

Surrounded by flak-jacketed security men armed with automatic rifles, the team departs each morning, to perform their promised duty; the real work for which they signed up, with real discomfort and real joy and real miracles. Eight days of pushing oneself and encouraging each other, caring for amazing people living with amazingly alarming disease states. 

How do I know these things, you ask? Have I been to Africa with the Team? No, I have not. I am the designated “Keep the home fires burning and pray for us” person. Then how can I know all this? It’s very simple. I see how they greet each other afterwards. The giddiness, the schoolgirl excitement. Their minds and hearts full of shared experiences. And over the next year, those experiences will come out in stories shared with me. The sorrows and victories. The OMG moments. The tears and laughter. Lots of laughter.

For eight days, Team Africa selflessly serves thousands of Nigerians. In return, they receive rewards for all eternity. 

May God’s Divine and Providential hand continue to guide you in your calling.

Respectfully, in awe and pride of all you do,
Suzy (Pharmacist, Providence Health & Services)

Our Mission Simply

 Our Mission: To save and sustain lives among the poorest communities of third world Africa nations. ©

Team Africa Mission International (or Team Africa for short) is a non-profit 501©3 charitable organization dedicated to improving lives through promotion of health and education in underserved and impoverished communities of West Africa.

 Our Mission Goals and Interests include:
*Treatment and Prevention of Disease
*Support for Education
*Child and Maternal Health
*Childhood Vaccination
*Equipping and Training Local health workers
*Providing Resources for HIV Testing, Prevention, and Treatment

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